Friday, August 20, 2010

Checking In

Just a quick note to let you know that we are arrived and well in Norway. We do not yet have internet connection at the house, so we have not been able get online yet. I'm posting this from a local computer+for\+hire site, and having fun working with this different keyboard that accomodates the extra characters in the Norwegian alphabet. The best part is that the @ symbol is tricky to get to++a nice challenge to go online!

We are working out the details of everyday living, but things are coming together. We are blessed with wonderful neighbors who have been very helpful and friendly. I have been over to one house with things like letters in the mail that need to be translated (turns out it was a letter from the electric company with instructions on how to report our usage, important to figure out!). I also made the rounds looking to borrow some boots for Young Teen to take on a campout with her new class. We managed to find some about the right size, and also had help with a ride up to the campsite. The kids in the neighborhood gather in the evenings at a play area by our \house, so we have met many of the parents there as well.

Many more notes and photos later, when we get online at home, but for now we are finding our way!


  1. About the keyboards: when I lived in Switzerland, they "Z" and "Y" were flip-flopped. So all my emails hope started with "Hez Guzs!" It became so normal that I sometimes now have trouble NOT starting emails with that. :)

    Have fun!

  2. We are still waiting for broadband at the house so Sabbatical Wife hasn't been able to update much on this public blog. The first two weeks have been busy and hectic. Most of the paperwork is filed with the gov't and we are slowly settling in. PLB

  3. I love that opening, "Hez Guz"! I may have to use that some day. I see now that I look at the post, I still missed some of the funny changes on the keyboard!

    On the other hand, with my US keyboard, I have to do all kinds of gymnastics to get to the unusual Norwegian characters like æ and å (that last one was particularly hard to figure out!)
